Linguistic Dimension of International Relations. Ch.1 , Ch.2 , Ch.3 , Ch.4 , Ch.5, Ch.6 (in Russian).  
Slanevskaya, 2008, Sorbonne.
CEDIMES-Moscow was created in 2011 and CEDIMES-St.Petersburg stopped functioning in January 2012. Nina Slanevskaya, the first Director and organiser of CEDIMES-St.Petersburg in 2004 has become the Honorary Director of the French CEDIMES Institute. Sorbonne, 2008. Slanevskaya - the second on the left.
Bernard Cadet and Nina Slanevskaya
Bernard Cadet and Nina Slanevskaya, a conference in Caen, France, 2009.

Speaking in the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow, 2009.
Paris, Sorbonne, 2008.
Caen, France, 2009.
The International conference in Moscow, 2011, in the Institute for Social Science Information at the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation (below).
Nina Slanevskaya
2012, conference in Paris. Arriving with my poodle (on the right).
Emilio Mordini, Italy and Nina Slanevskaya, Russia

Emilio Mordini, Italy and Nina Slanevskaya, Russia. NATO conference, 2009.

Nina Slanevskaya, PhD, Director of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Neuroscience

Essential Skills for Writing Political Reviews and Abstracts in a Foreign Language (English). Lecture 1. Part 1 (video).

Essential Skills for Writing Political Reviews and Abstracts in a Foreign Language (English). Lecture 1. Part 2 (video).

For the 4th year students. Lectures and seminars.

Seminar 1. A Digest (video).


Essential Skills for Writing Political Reviews and Abstracts in a Foreign Language (English). Lecture 1. Part 3 (video).
Essential Skills for Writing Political Reviews and Abstracts in a Foreign Language (English). Lecture 1. Part 4 (video).







©2013 N.M.Slanevskaya